8 Benefits of Olive for Your Health

Olive oil has some renowned benefits for promoting skin health, preventing illness, and as a beauty supplement. Originally from the Eastern Mediterranean, near the hill of Thursina, the olive has been mentioned many times in the Holy Qur’an:

وَٱلتِّينِ وَٱلزَّيْتُونِ (١)

By the fig and the olive

وَطُورِ سِينِينَ (٢)

And [by] Mount Sinai

[At-Tin – سورة التين 95:1 – 2]
وَشَجَرَةً تَخْرُجُ مِن طُورِ سَيْنَآءَ تَنۢبُتُ بِٱلدُّهْنِ وَصِبْغٍ لِّلْءَاكِلِينَ (٢٠) And [We brought forth] a tree issuing from Mount Sinai which produces oil and food for those who eat

[Al-Mu’minun – سورة المؤمنون 23:20]

The word Zaitun refers to the olive and in some parts in the Holy Quran it is a clear sign that the olive is definitely a blessed fruit. Nowadays, olives can be found in many forms such as in olive oils and in pills. They have been applied towards promoting good health, in cooking and as beauty supplements.

Ariyani, a mother from Solo, Indonesia, says that she keeps olive oil in her house. It is one of her main daily requisites. She uses olive oil for both massage and cooking.

“Sautéing spices using olive oil make food healthier and tastier,” she told aMuslima.

She has to be careful in food consumption to keep her heart healthy and thus prefers olive oil for cooking because it is high in natural antioxidants for heart protection.

“I also use olive oil for massaging to moisturize my skin,” she added.

Olive oil has been produced for many centuries and comes from squeezed olives. The benefits of olive oil are still being discovered and have been evolving as stated by oilolivetimes.com. There are currently at least 8 benefits of olive oil for your health:

1.       Reduces the risk of breast cancer.
2.       Minimizes the risk of type II diabetes.
3.       Is a protection from stroke.
4.       Retards the aging process.
5.       Combats osteoporosis.
6.       A health protector from depression.
7.       A help for the protection of skin cancer.
8.       Decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

The benefits of olive oil that are mentioned above are the latest that have been discovered. Researchers have been conducting intensive studies so that more and more benefits with greater possibilities can be found.

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