Boosting PreSchoolers Immunity

Children and elderly are equally susceptible to infections. This is simply because at the early stage of life, we are still building up our immune system. As we grow older, with stress of life and work catching up on us, our immune systems wears down. We can witness it in ourselves, our parents and young children.

January this year, my toddler who had just turned 3 in December, started full time Nursery. I braced myself for the infections that he would catch from his new friends before his body built up its immunity against a host of new viruses. But even then I was unprepared for the severity.

A week after starting , he came down with Rota virus gastroenteritis ( diarrhea & vomiting). Yes I had decided not to vaccinate him against it at age 6 months as I felt I should let my child’s body fight it themselves, and as long as I kept them hydrated it would suffice. Alhamdulillah we survived through this ordeal, he lost weight obviously as he refused to eat, but I kept him hydrated with Pedialyte ( to replace minerals lost), zam-zam, Hadrami honey (per sunnah), diluted fruit juices, coconut juices.

In the following 2 months of school, he had to be hospitalised twice with fits due to rapidly rising temperature accompanying his throat and ear infection. After the 2nd hospitalisation, we kept him away from school for a week.

Illustration by Raimy Sofyan
Illustration by Raimy Sofyan

So apart from preparing our children socially and with motor skills to cope in preschool. How should we prepare them healthwise?

Well we should start them off right, with breastfeeding them. Breast milk contains natural antibodies against many diseases. Breast feeding for 2 years is also mentioned in Surah Al Baqarah (2:233). Mothers milk also contains lactobacillus which promotes good gut flora.

After the age of 1 year, children can also be given honey (which has anti bacterial properties). Habbatus sauda is also known to boost immunity.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetable, packed with vitamins and minerals, as opposed to sugars and carbohydrates pack more wholesome goodness into our child’s body. Choose colourful fruits, vegetables as well as green leafy ones. Packed your precious darlings with Omega3 oils from Salmon n cod liver oil.

Everyone needs adequate rest, more so a growing child. A toddler needs 12- 14 hours of sleep, whilst a preschooler 10.

Get them out into the fresh air and sunshine.



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