Cheese and Its Halal Status (2)

Source: Flickr
Source: Flickr

Next phases in making cheese are,

3. Separation of whey to obtain curd

The coagulation phase will result curd formation and the separation of curd will separate the liquid from the curd, and the collected liquid is called whey. To do this, place curd on cloth then let the whey dripping out of cloth or put the curd into a mold and whey come out of the mold. To remove the whey from cloth or mold we can use pressures. Expulsion of whey from curd depends on the type of cheese to be made. For example, for the production of soft cheese, the release of the whey is not as much as in making hard cheese.

4. Curd  processing

Curd processing stage is done depends on the type of cheese to be produced. At this stage salt may be added or soaking the curd in a salt solution; adding molds (fungi) as in the manufacture of Camembert / Brie; pressing (to produce Gouda and Edam cheese); heating, kneading and stretching as in pasta filata cheese (cheese pizza or mozarella) and others.

5.  Ripening of cheese

The last stage in the manufacture of cheese is ripening stage. This stage is not completed for some types of cheese such as cheese pasta filata (mozarella), cottage and cream. For most other types of cheese, ripening stage is done by storing the cheese at low temperature and high humidity with ripening time range from start 1-2 weeks to 8 months, depending on the type of cheese being produced. In essence ripening is intended to foster the desired microorganisms and inhibit the undesirable. It is related to the formation of the desired flavor in addition to the appropriate texture.

In the manufacture of cheese it is often to add enzymes during manufacturing with intend to produce the preferred flavor. Most enzymes that are added are proteinases (enzymes that break down proteins) and sometimes lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fat). Both types of enzymes can be derived from animals and also derived from microorganisms. Thus the addition of this enzyme adds a critical point of halal cheese.

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