The Believers Secret to Beauty

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

All Praise to Allah

Every human being albeit a woman or a man.  It is ones  deep desire to always look beautiful and charming. Outward modern to traditional treatments are used in order to achieve the desired outwardly appearance.

Why do we desire this?

The All mighty is beautiful (Al-Jamiil) and the human nature instinctively strives towards what their lord who is ~ beautiful.

How do we know Allah is beautiful and loves beauty?

Prophet Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, Inna Allah jamiil wa yuhibbu al-jamaal (“Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty”).  

Allah Jalla wa ‘Ala has the Most Beautiful names, attributes, and essence. TabarakaAllah wa Ta’ala is the true essence of perfect beauty and nobility.  Our humanistic capabilities cannot come close to comprehending His beauty.

What is beauty for the believer?

Beauty in Arabic is expressed by the word Al-Jamal and Al-Husn.  Al-Jamal is the beauty in appearance and perfection of ones behavior (Ibn Sayyid and Ibn Kathir).

The usage of the word: Al-husn (gorgeous) initially used to indicate the outer – physical shape but later used to indicate internal – behavior or morals.

The latter definition is the true secret of beauty that is known to the believer. As physical beauty will fade over time, the beautiful heart, spirit, mind does not. Interestingly when the inner(sides) of a person is beautiful their heart is usually in excellent condition which then affects the outer (side) of the person’s physical appearance.  This is supported by An-Nu`man ibn Bashir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

“Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body, if it becomes good the whole body becomes good, but if it gets spoilt, the whole body gets spoilt, and that is the heart.”(Al-Bukhari-MUslim)

So, Jamal is the beauty inside  (jamal ar ruh = inner beauty, beauty of soul) which show up in appearance and perfection of nature’s behavior and husn is the beauty in good akhlaq/morals which come out from the inner beauty.

So, Muslimah – this beauty secret has been made known to us. It’s a secret just for the true believer.  Don’t you want to attain this inner beauty that will shape your outer beauty?

You still don’t get it?

~ be happy.

~ be content.

~ be kind.

~ smile!

~ have beautiful adab/ behavior.

~ be humble.

That’s the secret to true beauty.

It isn’t about wearing the latest “whatever”, or about putting a bunch of make up on your face, or showing off your “whatever”.  Those are traits of bad behavior and traits where we have forgotten who our lord is.  Remember, we are all different and unique in our way and at times, we need to be reminded that Allah creation are perfect and good. So be ourself, be content and we believe that we are beautiful in our own way.

No money is needed by the Muslim to treat the heart.  All we need is to do the above with the niat of pleasing Allah Swt.  In which we are promised that our deeds will be multiplied forever.

In surah At-Tin Allah says;

Laqad khalaqna al-insana fi ahsani taqwim (At-Tin: 4)

(Indeed, We created the human being in the best stature)

After swearing an oath upon these holy places (ayat 1-3), Allah says that He created man in the best stature and perfect form.
Thumma radadna hu asfala safilin (At-Tin: 5)

(Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low)

Then Allah reduced him to the lowest of the low. In other words, He made him capable of disobeying Allah and as a result of it destined for the bottomless pit of Hell.

Illa alladhina aamanu wa ‘amilu as-salihati fa la hum ajrun
ghayru mamnun (At-Tin: 6)

(Except those who have faith and do righteous deeds; for them is a reward without end)

The believers are excepted from the fate mentioned in ayah 5,  they are not the lowest of the low but instead will have endless reward .

When Muslim women understand the nature of life in this world, their heart will immediately act to beautify themselves with the noble character of the Prophet (PBUH) and the corresponding guidance by avoiding actions such as shirk, envy, jealousy, and arrogance.

Remember! The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Verily Allah doesn’t look at your face but look into your heart (your deeds)”.

The inner spirit is what makes us the person that we are today. Our inner spirit if we cultivate it well cannot be taken away from us but it can grow in a positive way!

It may not be physically observable but its presence can be felt. And people can see it, feel it and relate to it. Insha Allah.

Below are some additional “treatments” that we should implement daily:

Worship as the fundamental “treatment” impacting your personality in a positive way. Prayers completed 5x times each day are the basic foundations of worship in “treating”  the heart.  Without this we will spiral downwards into the abyss.

The Almighty says:

“O Children of Adam! We have sent down upon you a dress which may conceal your shameful parts and sent down feathers (or splendid garments) and the dress of piety (Taqwa) that is the best of all.” (Surah A’araf: 26)

The Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘This world is jewelry, and the best jewelry is righteous woman. (Narrated by Bukhari- Muslim)

Physical activities that increase ones beauty:

  • Wudhu makes our skin clean and bright.
  • Beautiful lips become more beautiful with the remembrance of Allah (dzikir)
  • To have a glow to your face – pray Tahajjud
  • To have a comfortable heart, read Al-Qur’an , your status in life will be raised; Haven’t you heard the statement of your Messenger: “Verily Allah raises some people by this Book and lowers others by it.”(Shahih Bukhari-Muslim), read Qur’an, it is not only make us beautiful in dunya but will lead to paradise.
  • A nice smile that comes from heart will make us beautiful, and fulfill the Sunnah. The Sahabah told us that nobody smiled more than the Prophet of Allah (PBUH). This is proof enough for us to smile.
  • Current research tells us that the physical act of smiling releases certain chemicals in our bodies that help us fight disease, produce happiness, and properly modulate sleep and appetite.
  • Good Manners can increase our beauty. A Muslim woman of good manners is a blessing from Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. When she speaks, she speaks honorably, when she deals with others she deals with them kindly. She is polite with elders, loving to children, and good to her fellow folks. It is related by ‘Abdullah bin Amr that the Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said: “The best of you are those who possess the best of manners.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
  • Haya (modesty/ shyness) is part of beauty. Muslim women should have haya in her talk, she has haya in her gaze, she has haya in her clothing, she has haya in her walk. Her haya in her talk is that she is not soft in her speech but speaks honorably. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning): “O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honorable manner” (Surah Al-Ahzaab: 32).
  • Wear the veil will make you more beauty. Fairly hijab is a symbol of our worship and subjection to Deity. It is a symbol of modesty that is not just about our attire, it lightens to our whole way and manner of life.

    Fifi-my sister
    Fifi-my sister

Every day, we are looking at the mirror, since we just wake up from sleep, but have we say thanks to Allah for what Allah give to us, the perfect, proportional, beautiful looking inner and outer of ourselves. All praises to Allah…. Alhamdulillah.

So … Each time, when we look in the mirror, reciting this du’a (du’a which Rasulullah PBUH has taught us):

اللَّهُمَّ كم أَنْتَ حَسَّنْتَ خَلْقِي فَحَسِّنْ خُلُقِي ا  

“Oh Allah! As you have beautified my outward/physical appearance, then beautify my inward appearance (character)”

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “When a woman take care of the five daily prayers, fasting during Ramadan, to keep chaste and obedient to her husband, while in the hereafter said to him: ‘Go into the door of heaven wherever you like”. (Narrated by Ahmad)

May Allah Almighty lead us in the straight path and become a righteous woman.  Beautiful in the earth and beautiful in hearafter. Aamiin Ya Rabb.




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