Du’a Before Having Sexual Intercourse  

by A.a. Sumadri
by A.a. Sumadri

People may feel embarrassed to talk about du’a before having sexual intercourse with their partners whereas Islam teaches everything in detail, including a prayer to Allah (SWT) to give us pious offspring and protection from shaitan being able to harm them.

Many will probably wonder, what if you already have children and did not know in advance that there is this du’a? Or what if we do not plan to have any more children, does the prayer need to be recited? I asked these questions to my ustadzah and the answer is YES – reading the du’a remains necessary. Perhaps we do not want to have more children, but all of our plans will return to Allah Almighty who determines to whom the descent and the trust of children will be given to.

So that whether it is too late or not, couples who are planning to get married or who are already married should memorize the following prayer as mentioned in the following hadith:

Narrated Ibn `Abbas:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “If anyone of you, when having sexual intercourse with his wife, says:

Bismillah, Allahumma jannibni-Sh-Shaitan wa jannib-ish-Shaitan ma razaqtana,

 بِاسْمِ اللَّهِ، اللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنِي الشَّيْطَا نَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَا نَ مَا رَزَقْتَنَا

and if it is destined that they should have a child, then Satan will never be able to harm him.” (Sahih Bukhari 5165).

May Allah (SWT) give us descendants who will fill His Jannah, Aamiin.

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