
Blood pressure is determined by combination of 2 factors:

-how forcefully the heart pumps blood around the body

-how narrowed or relaxed the arteries are.

Our heart is designed as a pump to force blood through our body.Blood is pumped from the heart, through the arteries(pipes) to our muscles and organs

Pumps work by generating pressure.So it can be imagined that excessive pressure will put a strain on the arteries and the heart itself,causing artery to rupture or heart to fail.

Hypertension  occurs when blood is forced through arteries at increased pressure.

Normal blood pressure < 130/85.

The upper figure is the systolic blood pressure-the maximum pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts(beats) and pumps blood out into the body.

The bottom figure is the diastolic blood pressure when the heart relaxes to fill with blood.

So What is Hypertension?

Blood pressure has a natural tendency to increase with age as the arteries lose elasticity.

Hypertension is classified as BP>140/90.

Unless severe, hypertension rarely presents with symptoms.

In 95% of cases,there is no known cause of hypertension. BUT

There are factors which increase the risk of hypertension& its complications.These are:

-family history


-excessive salt intake

-lack of exercise



-kidney disease

-high alcohol intake

-certain medications including complementary medicines:Caffeine,ginger preparations,ginseng preparations,melatonin,Sage,St John’s wort,liquorice


If you are middle aged or have a family history ,you should get a regular check.

Also adopt a healthy lifestyle:

-Lose weight

-Exercise regularly: min,20mins/session, at least 3x/wk

-reduce salt intake

-eat more fresh fruits & veg

-stop smoking

-reduce alcohol intake.


Stroke,Heart attacks,heart failure,kidney failure,eye

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