Interpretation of Sacrifice : the Prophet Ismail, Habil, and Qabil Stories

Eid Al-Adha was four days ago. But do we know the meaning of Eid al-Adha or Eid qurban itself? Have we been a better, or more sincere in our  qurban than in the past years ? Let us reflect and evaluate ourselves, to nurture our faith, by remembering some wisdom of the former prophets.


Ka’bah in the past by Raimy Sofyan

Prophet Ibrahim was terrified, confused, sad when he was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Ismail Alaihis Salam  his beloved son  from his wife Siti Hajar, who is expected to continue in preaching and spreading Islam.

Which parent who is not sad if it is instructed by the Creator to slay his/her own child?

But what Ismail, the only child of Abraham, said? “If it is commanded by Allah SWT, do it…..”

As mentioned in Surah As-Saffat 102-109:

And when he reached with him (the age) exertion, he (Abraham) said, “O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I (must) sacrifice you, so see what you think.” He said, “O my father, do as you are commanded, you will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast.”

 And when they had both submitted and he (Abraham) put him down upon his forehead,

We called to him, “O Abraham,

You have fulfilled the vision.”  Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good

Indeed, this was the clear trial.

And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice,

And We left for him (favorable mention) among later generations:

“Peace upon Abraham”


We can learn from the story of Prophet Abraham, his son Prophet Ismail, and his wife Siti Hajar that the sacrifice was accepted by Allah SWT.

Another Qur’an story is the two son of the prophet  Adam Alaihis Salam,  Habil  and Qabil. Prophet Adam Alaihis Salam chose Habil (his younger son) to take over after him. But Qabil did not agree and was jealous of his brother. Therefore Adam Alaihis Salam said to his two sons to give present (Qurban) to Allah SWT and placed it on one of the hills. Whose Qurban is accepted byAllah SWT, then he shall replace the prophet Adam Alaihis Salam. Apparently Allah SWT preferred Habil’s qurban because of his big effort and sincerity.

We often find from news in a lot of media that Fulan  from the needy people, because of his/her good effort, seriousness of raising money for years, but at the end he/she gets reward that he/she never thought.

But have we looked at ourselves our sacrifice, that we think materially increased from year to year, is exceed than their (prophets) sacrificial animals?

Or have we sacrificed willingly and sincerely?  Or we just want to show to a lot of people that we can sacrifice and hope that a miracle will occur after the sacrifice? Astaghfirullah …. only Allah SWT will give any favor and return, but we as His servants never grateful for any small favors we received.

Hopefully whatever we sacrifice and present  is solely because of Allah SWT, like Abraham’s resignation, or sincerity and patient like the prophet Ismail Alaihis Salam and Siti Hajar.

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