Lip-Smacking Sweet~Salty~Buttery Fried Chicken

Imagine BBQ wings… the sweet tanginess along with a delicious savory taste…mmm… this is a recipe that is Asian inspired and one of my children’s favorite foods, especially for chicken wings, 2 plates will run out fast! 😆  

Our favorite is to make it with chicken wings but you can make it with other parts of the chicken… whatever floats your boat.. 🙂

Butter Fried Chicken
Butter Fried Chicken


Ingredients :

8 pcs chicken wings , cut the edges (or other part of chicken as you like)
100 gr onion , roughly cut
4 cloves garlic , crushed , finely chopped
2 cm ginger , crushed and finely chopped
1 stalk spring onion , coarsely cut 
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons butter
lemon juice to taste

How to make :

  1. Marinate the chicken pieces with lemon juice , salt and pepper .
  2. Leave until the spices soaked.
  3. Then fry the chicken until cooked. Set aside .
  4. Saute garlic and ginger with 2 tablespoons oil that is used from frying chicken and add butter.
  5. Put oyster sauce , soy sauce and sweet soy sauce .
  6. Add onion, and stir until wilted half .
  7. Put chicken pieces into it then stir until the sauce soak into the chicken .
  8. Add spring onion, stir for a second and then lift.
  9. Give lime juice, stir. Serve hot with white steaming rice and chilli.
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