Manage Time Like A Pro


Islam teaches us self-discipline and time management through our daily prayers, especially when trying to pray with khushū’, as well as through Ḥajj, fasting and other aspects of our religion. We need to take the discipline that we learn from this and apply it to other areas of our life, including time management. This is a habit that all Muslims need to develop. 

Insha’Allah this article will provide a few tips on managing our time effectively and is especially important for students.

1. Eliminate time wasting:

One of the most common problems with people who cannot manage time is that they waste a lot of it. Below are typical ways in which most of us tend to waste time.

-Surfing a lot on Internet and social networking websites which leads to no productivity

-Talking a lot without remembrance of Allah. This can also lead to one of the major sins, backbiting.


-Television and video games can be a healthy source of entertainment ONLY if used for a short time. 

“Successful are the believers…those who stay away from laghw (things which waste time)” (Surah Mu’minoon 23:1-3)

2. Balance:

Work on small portions of tasks every day that will be due by the end of the week, starting with the most important ones first.

3. Manage time around Salah:

Remember that what ever happens and no matter how much of your work may be pending, do not miss your Salah as it is the ultimate key to success. Plan your schedule around the Salah timings so that you can effectively do your school, college or office work and be able to pray as well. 

4. Most Productive Time: 

Some people work better in the morning, and some are more focused in the evening. So, choose your best time in the hours of the day where you are most productive. However it’s better to choose early morning after Fajr, as there is Barakah in that time.

5. Sleep for 6-8 hours:

Getting the proper amount of sleep will help keep you alert and energetic, able to think clearly, and able to function at a high level. Apart from sleeping, having a balanced diet also helps a lot in concentrating on your work within the stipulated time you allotted.

6. Know your talent:

By knowing your inner talents and taking up beneficial hobbies, one can spend time nurturing them instead of wasting time in other unproductive things. Such hobbies may include art work, sewing, cooking, reading a good book or even playing any sport.

7. Have fun:

While there are times when we just need to power through a large project, it’s important to give yourself time to let loose. Not only will it refresh your mind, it’s good for your body, too. It doesn’t have to be a lot of time but make sure that you do!


Time Management the aMuslima way.


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