Married? Ready or not Ready… Better be Ready


Are you ready to get married? Anybody who wants and has candidate of a wife/husband will answer: “Ready!” Indeed, no one is 100% ready to be a husband / wife, in the sense of already well-equipped to be a husband / wife. Learning process should still be undertaken.

There are 3 basic of preparations that must be considered, which are also very important to be prepared by a single.Yes … because marriage preparation and readiness are not instant …they must be learned:

Ready # 1: Ready to have healthy conversations about money

Not just talking about the talk sense – a conversation, but also to have healthy communication both verbally and non-verbally about finances. Have a healthy, proportional point of view about our finance; understand the value of wealth from Islamic point of view. Wealth is amanah, it belongs to Allah, mere at tool in our life. Wealth is not to be placed in the heart, never to be attached to the soul.

Ready # 2: Ready financially for married

First and foremost, understand rights – individual rights –based on religion in regard to marriage. Understand which one is wajib, and which one is sunnah; which one should be or should not be done. Do not reverse i.e.ignore the wajib, while things those not really necessary, become the focus of attention. Marry according to our capability. Do not enlarge – exaggerate self-esteem that is costly.  And do not … once again … do not be indebted just for the wedding that we are not able to do.

Ready # 3: Ready to make financial plan

Prepare financial knowledge as soon as possible, practice to be a person who is able to manage his or her own finances. Once Allah blesses with a spouse, he/she can do it readily, without has to waste time on trial and error or even suffer from financial losses due to his/her lack of knowledge. Experience is the best teacher. It does not have to be from our own experience, right? Learning from others also can be our learning curve.

Original Article by Febiola Aryanti “Siap Tidak Siap Sebaiknya Siap” (Indonesian version)

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