Oh Muslimah, Let’s Strive for a Blessed Ramadan

Follow the light!

Oh sisters and brothers in Islam. Oh Muslims and Muslimah’s where ever you may be.

We at aMuslima wish all the Muslims a blessed Ramadan.  One that is filled with barakah and blessings that are seen and unseen.  We hope during this Ramadan all Muslims and Muslimah’s  around the world will be guided to the righteous and straight path.  The path that Allah Swt. has already laid out for us! We wish that we all can follow this guideline during and after Ramadan. Ameen.

One of my favorite stories in the Qur’an is that of Sister Maryam and her giving birth to Isa Alaihis-Salam.  The birth was a very difficult birth and she was alone.  But, with her faith in Allah Swt. She presevered.  One of my favorite nugget from this revelation, is when she became hungry and she asked Allah  swt for sustanance and Allah granted it to her.  But, Allah didn’t just float it down from Jannah, Allah provided her dates on a date tree.  Mind you, this tree’s trunk (the base of the tree) is huge and stiff. So, if she wanted to eat the dates on the tree she had to shake that thick trunk even though she was in very painful labor.  She did shake it. And she ate. But not without effort. Subhannallah.

Now, we sisters and brothers, we aren’t alone Masha Allah Muslims are every where.  And Allah has made it easy for humans everywhere.  So, now what is our excuse to not strive in the righteous path? How many of us can confidently say we have executed the 5 pillars of Islam to the best of their knowledge? How many of us really have really put time to it? What dunia (earthly) things have taken over our time? TV? Shopping? Gossiping? Execessive Sleeping? Partying? Working?…shall I go on?

I too am guilty of all of the above.  But Allhamdullilah when I remember the story of Sister Maryam and her struggles what I face is a dim comparison.

Ya lah, enough on the soap box.

From all of the sisters at aMuslima we wished you a blessed and happy Ramadan.



Sister Gemi.

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