Ramadhan Spirit in Leukerbad …

During Ramadhan, Muslims all around the world will fast in accordance with the 5 pilars of Islam. Ramadhan is also the month when the Holy Qur’an was first sent down to the Prophet Muhammad, Salallahi Alayhi wasallam. It is commonly known that fasting during this month means that we do not drink or eat between sunrise and sunset and that also, as a test of patience, we are to refrain from evil actions, evil thoughts and bad words. Fasting during Ramadhan is obligatory on all Muslims if they are physically and mentally sound and fit, except for the menstruating woman, the elderly, a pregnant woman, someone who is chronically ill person and/or the traveler.

Al Qur’an in Surah Al Baqarah, ayat 185 states:

The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.

Dear lovely aMuslima readers, our journey during the first day of Ramadhan this year was to one of the beautiful villages on the European continent in Leukerbad. Leukerbad is situated in the canton of Valais in the south of Switzerland at 1,411 m (4,629 ft) above sea level. The location is very impressive because of the cliffs which surround it.

Pic 1 - Leukerbad view2
Leukerbad view

During our stay in Germany this summer we took advantage of time our time on the road to visit neighboring countries. Having been told that one of the most famous and beautiful scenes to see in Europe was the Schweizer Alpen (or Swiss Alps) mountains in Switzerland, after our trip to Paris and Amsterdam we went to Switzerland. The day we visited was one day before the first of Ramadhan, we however still prepared for our obligatory fasts as a Muslim in during this month. We tried to keep the Ramadhan spirit during our vacation because Ramadhan is a test to demonstrate submission to ALLAH (SWT) and a way to keep our minds and bodies focused on good deeds for attaining self discipline wherever we are.

We did not bring a lot of food supplies during our trip but we always brought dates to keep us from hunger. After landing in Geneva we rented a car and continued the journey to Leukerbad which is surrounded by easy paths for walking and which provided beautiful places for picnics. Masha Allah! I was amazed at the view during the journey from Geneva towards Leukerbad: scenes such as that of the village with the very beautiful Alps in the background. We also rented a small house in Leukerbad for a few days during the first week of Ramadhan.

The house
In front of the house in Leukerbad

Cool, fresh mountain air added to our enjoyment of the atmosphere and in the afternoon we walked around looking for food stores to prepare for the meal before fasting. We found a small shop selling vegetables and fruits, then, next to the shop, another which was selling bread and other food. With guidance from our mobile phones we determined the direction of the Qiblah and found the prayer schedule in Leukerbad. Indeed, with sincere intention to Allah (SWT), He will provide convenience wherever we seek to worship Him, Alhamdulillah . . .Pic 3 - MuslimPro

I did not met any Muslims around the place where we were staying but welcomed Ramadhan happily and still enjoyed our worship while taking in the very beautiful, natural scenery around the village of Leukerbad. We strongly felt the pleasure of Allah the almighty and admired the greatness of ALLAH (SWT), Masha’Allah tabarakallah.

There were 12 individuals (or about 0.84% of the population) who were Islamic in Leukerbad and most of the religion is Roman Catholic which is about 77.4% of the population there. Although Muslims are a minority in this town, and the cold weather nearly froze us, these conditions did not diminish the spirit of Ramadhan in Leukerbad. So, do not assume that in Ramadhan there are no favors for visiting other countries. Remember . . . Ramadhan is the month of worship, not sleep! Stay energized during your fast with wudhu, salat and reading of Qur’an.

Happy Ramadhan! Wishing You All a blessed Ramadhan, Aamiin
Wassalamualaikum Wa Rahmahtuhlahi Wa Barakahtuh

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