Rebel, Hypocrites & the Misers

The Quran is like a pearl. From any side, it sparkles. Since Al-Quran was revealed until this moment, Al-Quran remains outstanding and has charisma for who read it. One of the amazing loveliness of Al-Quran that is, it has an expression (uslub), “description” (at-tashwir). So that whenever readers – who understand Arabic – read Al-Quran, as if the eyes look directly, the ears hear clearly, and the bodies feel to be on the scene. This uslub makes Sayyid Quthub wrote a book called “At-Tashwir Al-Fanny fil Quran” as a book to help to understand Tafsir fi Zhilalil Qur’an.

illustration by AA Sumadri
illustration by AA Sumadri

In addition to using uslub, at-tashwir, Quran also often uses oath (Al-qasam), as we mentioned in a few letters/surah on earlier tadabbur in aMuslima. Allah’s purpose to swear for His creatures.

Firstly hinted is that His creature is very important, so that readers pay attention against His creatures and then show awareness of existence as well as majesty of the Creator.

Secondly, there is a close relationship between muqsam bih (something used to swear) and muqsam alaihi (something that because of it oath is pronounced). For example, when Allah swore by dawn or sunrise, by daylight, by night and the like, and then after that there is a discussion about guidance (al-Hidayah), it means that the guidance is like a light. Uslub descriptions and relationships between muqsam bih-muqsam ‘alaihi, we can see from surah Al’Adiyat as follows.

By the racers, panting

And the producers of sparks [when] striking

And the chargers at dawn

Stirring up thereby [clouds of] dust,

Arriving thereby in the center collectively

Indeed mankind, to his Lord, is ungrateful

And indeed, he is to that a witness

And indeed he is, in love of wealth, intense

But does he not know that when the contents of the graves are scattered

And that within the breasts is obtained

Indeed, their Lord with them, that Day, is [fully] Acquainted.

1. “Muqsam bih” contained in paragraph one to paragraph five. With a description of phrase, Allah describes about a battle that was raging. Our ears as if hear directly pounding of hooves on the ground and sprinted breath of the panting horse. Our eyes as if looking directly sparks that are caused by saddle horse’s feet collide with the rocks. Then our bodies like shivering by dawn wind-driven. Then our lives smell the dust fly in the morning. And again, we feel on a horse and go to the crowds of enemies.

2. “Muqsam ‘alaihi‘ is in the next verse, verse sixth to verse eighth. In these three verses, Allah affirmed that human nature likes to rebel to Him, confess their rebellious but still do it anyway, and overly in love of treasure till stingy (bakhil).

3. So, what is the relationship horses run fast in a war with three bad natures of human? And Allah knows best. Implication that we find out are apostates/rebellious, feel that he/she is wrong but still makes mistakes and stingy, like the horse in a war. Man who is ungrateful to Allah similar with a galloping horse, both is ridden: a man is ridden by lust, while a horse is ridden by a soldier. People who see their mistakes with a war horse, aware that they themselves are dangerous, but they still move on. Stingy person is like a horse that goes in crowds of enemies, equally afraid of losing of what he has.

4. In verse nine to eleven, all undisclosed – disbelief, hypocrisy and stinginess/ungenerous – will be revealed in the hereafter. It is illustrated such a man opens the closet when looking for something with haste. Similar circumstances in a larger and serious form will eventually occur in the tomb. There, unload and search everything with haste to dismantle. Anxiety because the contents of his/her heart is opened, his/her heart beat is founded as well as what is contained in his/her subconscious.

Whether we are people who always rebel to Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala….consciously do wrong but still carry it, and people who love excessive wealth till miser, do not want to share?

Allah knows best                          

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