Sweet/Savoury Home-Made Bread


This recipe is my favorite for when I want to make sweet bread. I usually make half a recipe which makes approximately 24 pieces of bread. When you want to make the bread more tender, as sold in the bakery, you may add bread improver.


Ingredients A:

  • 700 grams bread flour
  • 300 grams all purpose flour
  • 200 grams sugar
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 2 egg whites
  • 22 grams fermipan/yeast
  • 10 grams bread improver
  • 50 grams milk powder
  • 450 cc liquid milk

Ingredients B:

  • 200 grams butter
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Egg yolk, to spread
  • Butter, to spread

Fillings, according to taste:

Cheese/bananas/sausage/chocolate/fruit mix

How to make:

  1. Stir the dry ingredients A for approximately 10 minutes, until the dough becomes grainy.
  2. Pour liquid milk little by little into it, while you knead it until the dough is fairly smooth. (Pouring milk can be stopped if the dough already feels quite dull).
  3. Add the ingredients B, knead again until the dough is really smooth. Let the dough sit for 30 minutes.
  4. Weigh the dough @ 30 grams (according to taste), and then round it off. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, baste the pan with butter.
  6. Fill each piece of the dough then shape it according to taste.
  7. Arrange the dough that has been filled and shaped onto a baking sheet.
  8. Allow the bread to rise 2 times in size or for about 1 hour.
  9. Preheat the oven to 190 C (375 F).
  10. Grease the top of the dough with egg yolk.
  11. Then bake it until browned, for about 10 minutes. (Usually I put the pan on the second shelf from the top).
  12. Brush the bread just out of the oven with butter (do not replace it with margarine).

Enjoy it while it is warm!


  • At the time of kneading the dough, you can also mix the dry ingredients with margarine until it is grainy, and then add the milk little by little while you knead the dough so that the dough becomes really smooth.
  • When I was living in Indonesia, I didn’t find it difficult for the bread to rise in size but where I live now, when the air is cold, I put the dough into an oven that has been warmed for a few minutes beforehand (at the lowest temperature). When inserting a baking dish containing bread, the oven has been in the off state so to maintain humidity, you can put a bowl of water in the oven.
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