Reminder for Not Cutting Nails and Hair for those who would Perform Qurban and What if We Had Forgotten?

Last year, aMuslima wrote a piece on the deeds to sacrifice an animal / qurban and also to not cut hair and nails  until after the animal is slaughtered.   Hence the followings are deed that needs reflection before  October 15th (10 Dhu Al-Hejah), 2013.

Is the recommendation for cutting nails and hair also applicable for the families of shohibul qurban?

If a person intents to slaughter an animal /qurban, then the prohibition of cutting hair, nails, and similar to it, only apply for himself; and the ban does not apply to his family. Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdurrahman Al-Jibreen Rokhimulloh said, “As for his parents, children and wife, they are not prohibited from cutting their hair or nails, even if they are included in the qurban with him. “

(Al-Fatawa Ash-syar’iyyah fil Masa’ilil Ashriyyah min Fatawa Ulama’il Baladil Haram)

Qurban, by Raimy Sofyan
Qurban, by Raimy Sofyan


What if shohibul qurban had forgotten, or had already cut nails and hair during 10 days of Dhu Al-Hejah (or before the animal is slaughtered)?

There are three different opinions among scholars,


Sa’id bin Al Musayyib , Robi’ah , Imam Ahmad , Ishaq , Daud and some of the students of Imam ash-Shafi’i said that cutting hair and nails (for shohibul qurban ) is considered haram until the animal is slaughtered. For example, if the animals will be slaughtered on the day of first Tasyriq (11 Dhu Al Hejah), then the prohibition is in effect until that date.


This opinion is according to Imam ash-Shafi’i and his disciples who stated that the ban is makruh tanzih and not haram. Consistent with hadith from A’isha who said that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam slaughtered animals/ qurban and he did not forbid people to do what Allah has made ​​halal until they slaughtered hadyu (qurban in Makkah). It means, the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam did not treat people who would do qurban like pilgrims who were wearing ihram.


According to Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik it is not makruh at all.

Imam Malik in one of his opinions, stated that this prohibition is haram in performing qurban sunnah (not obligatory) and not in qurban wajib (obligatory). 

However in consulting with one of my teachers, during the time one enters Dhu Al Hejah and intends to perform qurban but had cut their nails or hair upon entering should not need to cancel their niyat (intentions) of completing the Qurban.  

Syekh Abdullah Al-Jibrin said:

وهكذا لا يترك الأضحية إذا كان قد أخذ من شعره أو من أظفاره ولو متعمداً

“Similarly, do not discourage anyone to cancel his plan to perform qurban if he has cut (his) hair or nails, even if it was done on purpose.”  (Majlis Al-Alukah)

Wallahu a’lam

Based on many sources

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