Say a good word !

Thy Lord hath decreed, that ye worship none save Him, and (that ye show) kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with thee, say not “Fie” unto them nor repulse them, but speak unto them a gracious word. (QS.Al-Isra 17:23)

One day I visited to a friend’s home. When her son broke her favorite vase. Words from the zoo (alias animal words) flew out of his mouth and was directed to his son….Astaghfirullah …

Another time I went with my friends and also with toddlers. And as expected, the toddler created a mishap spilling glasses. Accidents such as these are inevitable…And yet again the mother was not merciful toward her child. She berrated him…Astaghfirullah …

Birrul walidain say anything …. parents especially mothers, God promises will answer and ijabah words of a mother. …Subhanallah ….

There was a story from the time of the Prophet. A resident of Medina suffered a coma for days, weeks, months, but death does not go pick him up. Prophet was asked, what’s was happen with this guy?
Apparently during the person’s life, he hurt his mother numerous times. From insults to even sending her away from his home. And yet the mother missed her son and grandchildren.

During all these sad situations the mother is all the while praying… Thus is what complicate the spirit of the child to leave his body toward the Creator.

Very clearly presented, that we as children do not ever say impolite things to our parents. Not even the slightest bad word. And the parents should restrain their words eventhough we were angry with the children habits.

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