So, you want to get married? Are you ready financially?


First Step
First Step

Starting with right pace, and not a wrong step, is one of the key for premarital finance. Although we believe there are no mistakes that cannot be repaired, we should strive so that no incorrect steps in the financial planning before marriage, avoid wasting time and energy for erroneous that actually we can take a lesson from other people’s experience before us and also from knowledge that can be learned.

Entering into marriage is not a problem-free zone, but entering the zone to find solutions, learning zone, zone of love and worship. Be ready.   Enjoy the journey! Bismillah ….

There are 3 critical point # premarital of finances, which need to be considered when we are ready to get married. For you who are single, read also … ready or not ready should be ready. That’s our motto.  Who knows Allah gives you a spouse quickly and soon …

Critical Point # 1: Cost of Wedding Banquet

Ijab Kabul cost official from government is relatively affordable. Getting married is easy, cheap and not has to bother looking for the chieftain schedule. Arrange married in working day directly in the institution of marriage. Seriously, instead of weekend, wait for the chieftain of full schedule especially in the month of bustling wedding. It’s just a suggestion. Dowry that must be given for the woman/bride also has guidance. Do not burdensome. Look at the ability of prospective husband. Do not ask beyond his capability.

So, basically, the 2 core costs are inexpensive. Now the excitement begins when planning a wedding party. Not a few are planning a wedding based on prestige and not based on ability. Not a few who carry debt clad wedding party. Not least that when the wedding is over, the excitement gives way to worry in paying expenses that have been spent for the party.

Make a wedding party according to ability and moderation. Do not be excess – overage. Do not waste (mubazir).  Many say, wedding is once in a lifetime! Must be the best! Yes, let’s review it again the best criterion is like what? When to impose ourselves, let alone then even beyond, then it’s not the best wedding party. Instead, it is the “best” approach to become a problem after marriage. The door of problem is wide open.

Critical Point # 2: Cost of the First Year Marriage

Entering a new life. Definitely there are a lot of changes. It is inevitable. From 2 separate people, become 2 people sharing together. From a child status, there is now has responsibility of taking care of a wife or a husband. From 2 people become a family. Different activities, different needs also different consequences financially.

If it will stay in a different house or city, should be considered for relocation expenses, may be rent, and may immediately move into a new home. There is definitely a cost. So for example, after getting married, the woman stops working, there is also a cost of transition and preparation of single income. Then they have to anticipate any costs that will be incurred in the first year of marriage as an adjustment period in early married life. Related to the critical point # 1, it would be headache if the first year is filled with the hassles of wedding debt. Do not do the mistake that so many people did.

Critical point # 3: Preparation Costs of Having Children

Married quickly? Immediately have children? No problem! It means that we should prepare earlier. Realize it and create a financial plan that accommodates the plan. So the focus is clear. Prepare for the mandate given by Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala. To what extent the readiness is? According to religious beliefs is the father gives clothes, foods and a house. While the mother is pregnant, breast-feed, and care for the children. And do not constrict their hearts because of difficulty. The fathers intend to do the best, one of them is planning. The mothers should face it with more patience. If the vision is the same, talk about money and numbers are not hard.

By knowing the critical points of premarital financial planning, then steps will be taken not only oriented on these days, but also reach out to a few steps forward. There is knowledge; can be learned from other people mistakes, then devise better and perform better is very possible.

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