The Rise of Professional Muslimahs

Muslim women are increasingly pursuing higher education and contributing to the vast amounts of knowledge available to us in our modern, tech-savvy world. It’s important to highlight the efforts of our sisters-in-faith because so much of what they do, and can do, promotes a better understanding of Islam for those who may know little to nothing about it.Professional Muslimahs

In an attempt to provide a go-to resource for sisters looking to connect with other Muslimahs who may be able to help them in their educational/professional goals, we invite you to contact with your requests for advice, your stories of success or challenges faced and overcome, or your expertise on topics that can educate or assist your Muslim sisters.

There is currently a sister who is completing her M.A. thesis and is in need of respondents to a questionnaire which forms the core part of her thesis. The main concern is to investigate to what extent the intended meanings portrayed throughout the resurrection-related verses in the Glorious Qur’an are communicated to both Muslim and non-Muslim native English speakers via translation. If you are able to provide serious answers to her questions, this will be of great value and will help her to identify whether the selected English renderings of the passages included are comprehensible and easy to be visualized or if there are some pitfalls that would hinder this process. You can be assured that your responses will only be used for purely academic purposes and your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

If able to respond, you can contact her through the following email before Friday June 27th at:



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