Traditional Medication Tips For Your Hair

Traditional Hair Care is the use of natural materials when tending the hair so it can be said that treatment in this way is much safer than modern products. Some tips for traditional hair care are:

1. Oily hair

There are several causes for oily hair. This is sometimes due to heredity, to rarely washing your hair, and high hormone activity. Wash your hair daily with water, but not with warm water, when seeking to reduce hair oil. A hair treatment for oily hair can be used with coconut oil or jojoba oil. You can also use a small amount of conditioner upon the ends of the hair only and if you have access to lemon juice, it can be used in applying to your hair for reducing the accumulation of oil.

2. Damaged or split ends

Help your damaged hair with the use of conditioner. Coloring the hair is one of the causes for damaged hair, so when washing your hair, don’t forget to gently massage to your scalp as it can stimulate the production of natural hair oil. You also can try using plain yogurt mixed with 1 white egg and 1 tablespoon of honey to treat damaged hair. Apply the mixture to your wet hair and allow it to rest for 5 minutes then rinse. Do this every 1 or 2 weeks for great results.

Traditional Medication
Traditional Medication

3. Dry Hair

It’s really annoying when you have dry hair because it breaks and falls out so easily. For this reason an extra treatment of a moisturized conditioner is often necessary. You can make your own conditioner by using 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and 1 avocado in a mixture that can be applied to your wet hair then massaged gently for 20 minutes before being rinsed. For the best results, do this every week.

4. Tangled hair

It’s hardest to treat tangled hair because it requires the most time when trying to comb it or turn it into neat hair. A treatment for tangles is lemon juice, a quarter glass of olive oil and 2 eggs mixed together. Apply the mix to your wet hair and allow it to rest until it dries then rinse. You will then have neat, untangled shiny hair. For the best result do this every 2 weeks.

According to hair experts, losing 50-100 strands of hair every day is fairly normal and is only a cause of concern when you lose more than that. But you can stop hair loss in its tracks with the following home remedies. Here are the different mixtures and how to make them:

Onion juice

Hair Treatment
Hair Treatment

The onion is a rich source of sulphur which helps hair growth by increasing collagen production. Using its juice on the scalp can help in controlling hair loss.


  1. Chop one onion finely and squeeze out its juice.
  2. Apply the juice to your scalp and let it stay for 15 minutes.
  3. Now rinse with a mild shampoo and let your hair air dry.
  4. Use this twice a week to see the results.


This ingredient has several benefits for your hair. Not only does it promote hair growth, but it also conditions. It has essential fats, minerals and proteins which reduce hair breakage, and it is rich in potassium and iron. You can use coconut oil or milk to prevent hair loss.


  1. Warm a bit of coconut oil and massage it through your hair from root to tip.
  2. Wash after one hour.


  1. Grate a coconut and squeeze out its milk then mix in a little water.
  2. Apply it on the area where you notice thinning or balding.
  3. Let it stay overnight and wash off the next morning.

The egg has several components that can prevent or control hair loss. It is a rich source of sulphur, phosphorous, selenium, iodine, zinc and protein. All of these promote hair growth.


  1. Take the white of one egg and mix in a teaspoon of olive oil.
  2. Beat to give a paste-like consistency and apply to the entire scalp and hair.
  3. Keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water and a mild shampoo.
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