Urgent! Take advantage of five matters before five other matters


Time flies for all aMuslima
Oh Muslima Time Flies!

All Praises to Allah!

My dear akhuwaty muslima, most of us… even me say, “How quickly time passes…”

What a short time…

Some time I feel there isn’t enough hours in the day. I just finished cleaning the house, cooked , recited the Al-Qur’an and just starting open my computer when the children come from school. So many things to do so little time. Everyday, there are so many little pockets of time that gets wasted without our knowledge.

Subhanallah after a few days, Hijri year 1432 will soon be gone and Georgian year will go as well.

Actually, time is as a very sharp sword (in arabic phrase is al-waqt kal seif), If you don’t use it, it will cut you.

In fact, every breath is expelled by humans are part of their age. It is like the pearl of great price.

So, Abdullah Ibn Mas `ud radhiallahu ‘anhu said, “I never regret for anything, except when the sun sets and reduced my age, but my deens not increased.”

Ibn Qoyyim gives the parable of the time: “Numbers of years in are like a tree, while months are like the branches. Days were like twigs and hours like leaves, and breaths like fruit. When his breath he used to worship, the fruit is good. ”

Akhuwaty Muslima, have we spent our time well? We must take the initiative to perform righteous deeds before one is overtaken by the decree and prevented from doing bad/wrong things either by sickness or death. It is important for self introspection, think deeply. Because we don’t know when our time is is up. Time is the mandate that Allah has given us and will be questioned in the hereafter the Prophet Muhammad said, “The two legs of a slave can not tread on the Day of Resurrection so that asked about the four cases, among of them asking about their age and how they used it.”

O Allah … Lead us in this life to be able to utilize time better. Ya Ghafurrurahim, the most forgiveness, the most merciful … forgive us when we have neglected the time past, forgive us by waste our time for something useful. O Allah, help us tospend our time of life as The Prophet Muhammad Salallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.”( hadith of ibn Abbas radi Allahu anhu )

We ask that Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala makes us amongst those who can take a chance, those who can seize these five things, who can take advantage of them before the five will come.

Allahumma Aameen.

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